The importance of being (intellectually) earnest

“(…) as soon as erudition becomes a “ speciality ” it tends to be regarded as an end in itself, instead of a means to an end, as it normally should be. It is this invasion of the intellectual field by erudition with its special methods which constitutes a genuine danger, because it threatens to absorb the attention even of people who otherwise might perhaps … Continue reading The importance of being (intellectually) earnest

Cynicism, the mask of fake intelligence. And it’s out of fashion

Howard Zinn wrote: An optimist isn’t necessarily a blithe, slightly sappy whistler in the dark of our time. To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. … Continue reading Cynicism, the mask of fake intelligence. And it’s out of fashion

Self-representation and revelation of the world.

“Wherever a creature emits even the simplest sequence of musical tones, it evinces a state of mind entirely different from that which occurs in the uncontrolled outcry. And this sate of mind is the essential when we ask about the nature of the primordial musicality. It is often unmistakable that the song, even of animals, is sufficient unto itself, that it is not intended to … Continue reading Self-representation and revelation of the world.

To be restored or to be preserved? That is the question (a good one).

Even if it’s aired long ago, this episode of Grand Design about the restoration of a Tudor guildhall in Stowmarket (Suffolk) got my attention: Barn storming our way to a grand design  The big question about architecture is that is always so difficult to detect where the essence of a building lies, especially going through such a heavy restoration process. This episode shows us that … Continue reading To be restored or to be preserved? That is the question (a good one).

Time for soul searching

What is ART? From the Sanskrit root AR, which means go to, produce. Root also present in Latin ars, artis, which indicates the ability to produce something concrete and, specifically, the ability to do it in a suitable, harmonious manner. It represents the concept of mastery in working according to certain rules. Applying the concept of art to architecture, we find a technological aspect linked … Continue reading Time for soul searching